Sunday, November 7, 2010

Dollhouse Miniatures Cancun

Work Sociology

A company can be called 'liquid-modern "if the situations in which they act men are changed before their modes of action can consolidate into habits and procedures.
In a society 'liquid-modern "individuals can not live their results in durable goods. Liquid Life is short, a precarious life, lived in conditions of constant uncertainty. The most acute and stubborn worries that afflict arise from the fear of being caught off guard, they could not keep up (...), not to notice the expiration dates, encumbered with the possession of something that is not more desirable to lose when you must turn the page before you pass the time of no return.
Liquid Life is a succession of new beginnings, but it is so that the ends quickly and painlessly, without which new beginnings would be unthinkable, they tend to represent the moments of greatest challenge and get the headache more unbearable.
Among the arts of living 'liquid-modern "and the skills they require, to know how to get rid of things becomes more important than acquiring them.
In a society 'liquid-modern "industrial waste disposal assume a dominant role in the economic life of the liquid. The survival of that society and the welfare of those who ne fanno parte dipendono dalla rapidità con cui i prodotti vengono conferiti alla discarica e dall'efficienza con cui gli scarti vengono rimossi.
In una società simile nulla può sottrarsi alla legge universale della esitabilità e a nulla può essere concesso di restare più dello stretto necessario. 
Spinta dall'orrore della scadenza, non richiede più di essere trainata dai sogni delle meraviglie immaginate come esito moderno dei travagli della modernizzazione. Ciò che bisogna fare è correre con tutte le forze semplicemente per rimanere allo stesso posto, a debita distanza dalla pattumiera dove altri sono destinati a finire. 

The "creative destruction" is the most common way to carry liquid of life, but that expression flies, they are silent on the fact that the creation destroys other forms of life and, incidentally, also humans.
life in society is a liquid version of the left, but seriously, the game of musical chairs, the real issue is the salvation (temporary) abolition, which would involve the gathering of waste. ;

Eternity is obviously banned. Eternity, but not infinite: while it lasts, in fact, this may be extended beyond all limits, and contain everything that was once hoped to be able to experience when it was time. What matters is the speed not the duration. Going the right speed you can eat all eternity in the continuous present of earthly life.

life is a life of liquid consumption. It brands the world and every fragment of it, animate and inanimate, as objects of consumption. The waste is the main product, and probably the most abundant, among all the industries of consumer society, the waste generation is the most massive and knows no crisis. The disposal of waste is therefore one of the main challenges that life has liquid in front and the other relates to the risk of ending up in the trash.

of Zygmunt Bauman,
from "liquid assets".


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