Young unemployed people to 29%. E 'record since 2004, Istat said. It also says that the female unemployment rate is 10%. Young people and women, therefore, a losing combination. Let's talk about
gender gap concept in any field will work better than explicit.
"In Italy there are 28718441 30412846 men and women, for a total of 59131287 people. We can say that in Italy there are approximately 28 million men and 30 million women, for a total of 59 million Italians. "(Istat 2007)
Italy continues to lose positions in the ranking of equality between men and women in the 2010 report of the World Economic Forum Italy - with the His No. 74 (out of 134 countries surveyed), two fewer than in 2009 - is lagging behind the European Union, followed, among the advanced countries, preceded only by Japan but from the Dominican Republic, Vietnam, Ghana, Malawi, Romania and Tanzania. At the top of the rankings, in order, Iceland, Norway, Finland and Sweden, in the end we are Mali, Pakistan, Chad and Yemen. "The differences between the sexes," said Klaus Schwab, founder and president of the World Economic Forum "Are directly related to the high economic competitiveness: women and girls are treated equally if a country is growing and thriving. But we still need a revolution for equality, not only putting together a large group of talents both in numbers and quality, but also creating a greater sensitivity to the problem in our institutions. ( )
In this gloomy picture I add my personal account gained more than 5 years of research work. We are sure that the filters that govern access to the labor market (formerly known as the center for placement currently employment, and temporary employment agencies and hundreds of search engines on the web, the network of post-graduate education) are really effective? It 'may somehow interfere negatively in the encounter between supply and demand work? I think so.
placements do not allocate more that employees ipertutelati the provinces. The private agencies are concerned only to place workers with a very low level of schooling, almost all foreigners, even rubbing to provide training services free or nearly so, of which, however, no entity can verify the actual utility. Then earn from government grants and European entrepreneur take a tot who hires them and levy a fixed fee each month from the payroll of the unfortunate allocated. For the network of post-graduate education will devote a post soon, is a chapter and then even more paradoxical is the subject of my thesis.

That's right: look for a job is a full-time job, also very challenging. The lucky ones know that we have a job but, in fear of losing it, would continue to look around.
In Italy the only system that really works at all levels for the job search is the "recommendation". The proof is the fact that no one fully understands the difference even between reference and recommendation, when the reference is in Europe and the rest of the world the key channel for access to employment. Not work here even word of mouth, the joint solution, because in a country as desperate as that in which we live, have the system of dog eat dog.
Flexibility unregulated labor market, combined with the congenital weakness of the informal networks of relationships typical of postmodernism and of any country in economic crisis, with the aggregate of social networking vaniloquente is equal to a place where the weak die.
Paraphrasing Cohen, this is no country for old men, but not for young people, women and children.
Paraphrasing Cohen, this is no country for old men, but not for young people, women and children.
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