What we are about to read is a story even if it begins with the classic was a time. What I'm about to tell is the story of a small whale that lives in the deep waters of the Atlantic Ocean.
There will be a time when men will have no more land to walk on. There will be a time when oxygen in the air is so rarefied not enough even for most insects. There will be no more trees, flowers and even dogs walking the streets.
that day men will realize they could not do anything else, neither growing or cooking, will barely talk yet. But let the point.
Many of you know that whales are descended from mammals once lived on land. Their ancestors began to adapt to life in the water about 50 million years ago. The earliest copies we trace used to come ashore to give birth. We do not know exactly what has forced them to slip into the water always more often then not get out again. But perhaps this story will serve to get an idea.
Because of their current habitat whales are conscious breathing : ie they should decide when to breathe. It was, in fact, between one breath and the other that the small sperm whale for the first time he saw a man closely. He slept, but he seemed dead.
All mammals sleep and so do the whales, the only difference being that they can not fall into a state of unconsciousness for long periods, because they have to be aware to breathe.
The small whale was there that ran around the raft for hours now, without the boy gave signs of life. He was unconscious.
He had just taken off when he was overtaken by a storm. The boy felt the strong call of the sea, so he embarked on a solo journey into ' ocean.'s family for generations had procured the bread by working the land. Now, with the crisis, they were all finished to do what happened. To him, the youngest of three children, was touched to study, but it is not that the idea went too genius. The earth had nothing more to offer, and even the study no longer guaranteed a life dignity.
Suddenly a large jet like a bucket of water awoke the young man. The sperm whale had expired, spraying air and water vapor from the breather.
At first the boy felt very afraid. He could not remember what had happened, but after a few minutes curiosity got the better and found himself face to face with the whale.
I do not think you can fully describe the wonder of such a vision, unless you've tried and, to my misfortune, I never happened to see a whale. I can tell you how it feels to be touched by a truck, if you see a man die or to be born a kitten. But I think we have not even close.
For some strange reason a couple of centuries, men are shaking the global ecosystem, causing a profound confusion in whales, which end up more often stranded on the shore , where they die in the sun indifferent. The mother of the little whale was one of them, no one saw it a while longer. So the little sperm had stumbled into his new friend, after s mark from his company in search of her mother.
They looked long into his eyes in silence. La balena riusciva a sentire i pensieri del giovane e per questo sbuffò sulla zattera una decina di litri d'acqua. Al ragazzo era passato per la testa di finire nella pancia del cetaceo, come in Moby Dick! Dapprima si spaventò parecchio, trasalì e poi scoppiò a ridere. Quindi iniziò a raccontare la sua storia e il capodoglio restò tranquillo ad ascoltare.
Lentamente l'animale creò una corrente intorno al relitto che lo riportò sulla giusta rotta. Conosceva quelle acque come le sue tasche perché le balene hanno una memoria atavica grazie alla quale la specie è sopravvissuta per milioni di anni. A confronto l'uomo con i suoi duecentomila scarsi è ancora a puppy! Moreover, as long-lived elephants, tortoises and goats, the whales can come to live for more than a century!
In 1996, Alaska, the Eskimo hunter Ben Ahmaogak killed a whale discovered in its own fat in two chipped stone spear tips. The two singular specimens were examined by Sir Stephen Loring, an expert of the Smithsonian Arctic cultures, which, compared with peaks of 100-130 Inuit stone kept in the museum years ago, concluded that it was really harpoons centenarians.
The whale told him all queste cose al giovane. Raccontò di suo nonno che fu brutalmente catturato e ucciso a duecentoundici anni da pescatori giapponesi. Raccontò di come dormiva facendo sì che fosse solo un emisfero per volta del suo cervello a riposare. Raccontò di come era nato facendo uscire prima la coda, in modo da evitare di affogare. Ricordava anche quello.
E poi raccontò di sua madre e delle madri di tutti i suoi amici.
Non lontano si cominciava a vedere la costa.
Un tempo c'erano balene in tutti i mari, attualmente la maggior parte delle specie è a rischio di estinzione. There remain only 10,000 whales in the world, confined mainly in the Sanctuaries, the ocean areas where hunting is prohibited.
There will be a time when men will have no more land to walk on. There will be a time when oxygen in the air is so rarefied not enough even for most insects. There will be no more trees, flowers and even dogs walking the streets.
that day men will realize they could not do anything else, neither growing or cooking, will barely talk yet. But let the point.
Many of you know that whales are descended from mammals once lived on land. Their ancestors began to adapt to life in the water about 50 million years ago. The earliest copies we trace used to come ashore to give birth. We do not know exactly what has forced them to slip into the water always more often then not get out again. But perhaps this story will serve to get an idea.
Because of their current habitat whales are conscious breathing : ie they should decide when to breathe. It was, in fact, between one breath and the other that the small sperm whale for the first time he saw a man closely. He slept, but he seemed dead.
All mammals sleep and so do the whales, the only difference being that they can not fall into a state of unconsciousness for long periods, because they have to be aware to breathe.
The small whale was there that ran around the raft for hours now, without the boy gave signs of life. He was unconscious.
He had just taken off when he was overtaken by a storm. The boy felt the strong call of the sea, so he embarked on a solo journey into ' ocean.'s family for generations had procured the bread by working the land. Now, with the crisis, they were all finished to do what happened. To him, the youngest of three children, was touched to study, but it is not that the idea went too genius. The earth had nothing more to offer, and even the study no longer guaranteed a life dignity.
Suddenly a large jet like a bucket of water awoke the young man. The sperm whale had expired, spraying air and water vapor from the breather.
At first the boy felt very afraid. He could not remember what had happened, but after a few minutes curiosity got the better and found himself face to face with the whale.
I do not think you can fully describe the wonder of such a vision, unless you've tried and, to my misfortune, I never happened to see a whale. I can tell you how it feels to be touched by a truck, if you see a man die or to be born a kitten. But I think we have not even close.
For some strange reason a couple of centuries, men are shaking the global ecosystem, causing a profound confusion in whales, which end up more often stranded on the shore , where they die in the sun indifferent. The mother of the little whale was one of them, no one saw it a while longer. So the little sperm had stumbled into his new friend, after s mark from his company in search of her mother.
They looked long into his eyes in silence. La balena riusciva a sentire i pensieri del giovane e per questo sbuffò sulla zattera una decina di litri d'acqua. Al ragazzo era passato per la testa di finire nella pancia del cetaceo, come in Moby Dick! Dapprima si spaventò parecchio, trasalì e poi scoppiò a ridere. Quindi iniziò a raccontare la sua storia e il capodoglio restò tranquillo ad ascoltare.
Lentamente l'animale creò una corrente intorno al relitto che lo riportò sulla giusta rotta. Conosceva quelle acque come le sue tasche perché le balene hanno una memoria atavica grazie alla quale la specie è sopravvissuta per milioni di anni. A confronto l'uomo con i suoi duecentomila scarsi è ancora a puppy! Moreover, as long-lived elephants, tortoises and goats, the whales can come to live for more than a century!
In 1996, Alaska, the Eskimo hunter Ben Ahmaogak killed a whale discovered in its own fat in two chipped stone spear tips. The two singular specimens were examined by Sir Stephen Loring, an expert of the Smithsonian Arctic cultures, which, compared with peaks of 100-130 Inuit stone kept in the museum years ago, concluded that it was really harpoons centenarians.
The whale told him all queste cose al giovane. Raccontò di suo nonno che fu brutalmente catturato e ucciso a duecentoundici anni da pescatori giapponesi. Raccontò di come dormiva facendo sì che fosse solo un emisfero per volta del suo cervello a riposare. Raccontò di come era nato facendo uscire prima la coda, in modo da evitare di affogare. Ricordava anche quello.
E poi raccontò di sua madre e delle madri di tutti i suoi amici.
Non lontano si cominciava a vedere la costa.
Un tempo c'erano balene in tutti i mari, attualmente la maggior parte delle specie è a rischio di estinzione. There remain only 10,000 whales in the world, confined mainly in the Sanctuaries, the ocean areas where hunting is prohibited.
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