Bulletin October 2010
Civil war broke out for a while, but that one side is the lunch break. What of liberation. None of the fighters move because there is still a drink to be taken between a chat and the other in a place not so honest.
This war is a continuous recreation and frantic, exhausting but need Startup.
The bulimic rage on rancho, on pre-feed flavors easily recognizable is the outlet of an entire generation lacks certainty and landmarks. Of a generation at war, but that the war just did not want to do.
This war is a continuous recreation and frantic, exhausting but need Startup.
The bulimic rage on rancho, on pre-feed flavors easily recognizable is the outlet of an entire generation lacks certainty and landmarks. Of a generation at war, but that the war just did not want to do.
The strategy of the enemy is winning. Avoids bloodshed and no waste of ammunition. He filled the streets of paninari, ladies waxed and law enforcement: food and whores to satisfy our appetites repressed and greedy, and many more cops to watch us, that you never know. Because we are always hungry, their rations not feed poor indeed. With food in sight, the smell of fried food at every corner that tickles the nostrils, we are potentially dangerous as a pack of wild wolves. Yet for now we are an army of sloth that I just can not offend anyone but themselves.
there is no energy in our muscles. Our brains are asleep.
there is no energy in our muscles. Our brains are asleep.
"We do not know how to do it, it is not our fault. It is not nostra questa guerra. Come posso vincere contro un nemico più forte? La battaglia è persa in partenza! Io ho scelto di fare il soldato perché non c'è lavoro."
Nelle nostre parole non c'è traccia del ricordo di secoli di storia né di orgoglio civile. C'è solo paura e disperazione. La legge delle 3P ha bandito ogni dignità. "Porchetta, Puttane e Polizia", con la loro iconografia grottesca, rimpiazzano e cancellano tutto, dal Risorgimento al fututo dei figli che non avremo.
Nelle nostre parole non c'è traccia del ricordo di secoli di storia né di orgoglio civile. C'è solo paura e disperazione. La legge delle 3P ha bandito ogni dignità. "Porchetta, Puttane e Polizia", con la loro iconografia grottesca, rimpiazzano e cancellano tutto, dal Risorgimento al fututo dei figli che non avremo.
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