Thursday, October 28, 2010

Coolest Cool Techdeck Games

c for dummies' but is not seen

"Mom, grow up I want to do business"

Young Italians have to go it alone. After all, today's welfare is an urban legend.
Young Italians want to do it alone, but parents ex sessantottino know how little to serve the revolution and what has been better to grow up in a country assistance programs. I know those that are finished to make the workers and, just as well, now ex-anarchists who preach from the pulpits of the mainstream media as Adriano Sofri. Unless you want to talk about a new way to make the revolution. Then they all shut up. No one knows what to say. The mouths, before overflowing with pompous opinions and venerable wisdom hours hanging puzzled and even a little drool.
The world is moving so fast these days. This is why those who grew up with the idea that all things in life follow a logical thread to cling to as Ariadne in the labyrinth is now displaced.

All to say that the work is not , but many of us even try to look for work. They are all stuck in a limbo that according to the most disgusting, but then fails to maintain a lot of people.

This story is not that the work must have put around someone .. . but who? And why?

We can say that working there little and those who serve are highly skilled workers, that wages are not treated as cost of living and consumer goods are highly perishable, the civil and social rights are gone to fuck off, oops, I meant to bless, pardon. But you can still say that the work is not there. We can say that we can not do anything. That after many years of study he has not learned nothing and forgot even the little that was known before going to university.

- "My father has worked all his life like a madman, he built a house, left her one to two children and now that we are going to go in pensione gli arriva la notizia che ammonterà al massimo 600 euro al mese".-
- Beato lui! - replica il giovane Werther in questione, - Noi alla sua età ricordando questa parola, pensione, sospireremo... -  
-"Mi avevano detto che dopo la laurea avrei trovato lavoro e non c'è. Me l'ha detto un mio amico, gli è successo. Mi hanno frodato, sono stato rapinato. Con quello che costa l'università e vivere fuori sede! Che fare? Non mi laureo più, anzi no, ne prendo due di lauree!"-

Eppure il lavoro c'è, di quello vero, però, che non si vede, non di quello che sognavano per noi mamma e papà (dietro una scrivania a scaldare una sedia senza far niente)! 
Comincia ad accorgersene persino l'Istat, il ministro Tremonti  e ci ha fatto un servizio pure il TG5!!!
Servono saldatori, ciabattini, sarte, falegnami, ceramisti e ogni sorta di artigiano... servono persone che parlino le lingue.  

Magari ve ne eravate accorti pure voi, ma se provate a fare una ricerca su internet* viene fuori che servono venditori, agenti monomandatari, addetti commerciali, commessi collaboratori, responsabile point of sale, real estate agents and insurance ... and 90% of these companies do not even have a website!
you have wondered who buys all this stuff, no? So how do you understand well the real revolution. NOOOOO?

* Example search for jobs carried out on one of the main engines by entering the data: Location - Perugia Area - administrative and communication-human resources

SENIT LAB Perugia 6
SENIT LAB Perugia 6
SENIT LAB Perugia 6
Senit LAB Perugia 6
energy project development Perugia 1
RTR Perugia 1
Finance / Banking / Auditing / Controller
Finprestito Perugia 10
Cattolica Previdenza Perugia 1
Franchising - Franchisee
MATRIX Perugia 1
Marketing/Pubblicità/PR/ Comunicazione
Think up Ltd Perugia 1 Perugia 20
ASTRAWEB Perugia 2
Human Resources / Personnel / Organization
Senit LAB Perugia 6
Technicians / Engineers / Project management
A & T architecture and land Perugia 10
Tourist / recipes / Hospitality / Bar / Restaurant
100% Crazy Perugia 5
Sales / Distribution / Sales / Export
Senit LAB Perugia 6
Datacol Perugia 1
Mainitalia Perugia 2
Venneri & C srl Perugia 1
FE.MA. Perugia 7
Impresa Edile Cav. Mario Bisogno Perugia 1
Trenkwalder Perugia 1
Cagimasiportale/6138 Perugia 1
Taste of Italy Perugia 1
Omav Ltd Perugia 1
Global Co. International Kft Perugia 10
Montini SpA Perugia 1
MagicSolution Perugia 1
In-es.artdesign Perugia 1
CO.I.SE. SRL Perugia 3
ISMEG Perugia 1
Agency Fastweb Perugia 1
Agency Fastweb Perugia 1
Agency Fastweb Perugia 1
concomitantly Perugia 1
IMC Perugia 20
Royal Service Perugia 10
Broker Finance Italy Perugia 1
BERNER Perugia 1
Idea Energy Perugia 8
DialogoDiretto Perugia 10
FMR - Art'è Perugia 1
New Technology Consulting Perugia 1
Orion Consulting Perugia 1
Leader Perugia 1
Solife Perugia 1
Oltre-Design Perugia 1
SKY ITALIA Perugia 10
ARBI GROUP S.R.L. Perugia 1
Prisma S.r.l. Perugia 10
JANPY Perugia 1
Royal Service Perugia 1
GT Profumi Perugia 5
+ ENERGIA SPA Perugia 10
Quality Control Institute Perugia 2

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Professional Recording Cameras

The law of 3P

Bulletin October 2010

Civil war broke out for a while, but that one side is the lunch break. What of liberation. None of the fighters move because there is still a drink to be taken between a chat and the other in a place not so honest.
This war is a continuous recreation and frantic, exhausting but need Startup.
The bulimic rage on rancho, on pre-feed flavors easily recognizable is the outlet of an entire generation lacks certainty and landmarks. Of a generation at war, but that the war just did not want to do.

The strategy of the enemy is winning. Avoids bloodshed and no waste of ammunition. He filled the streets of paninari, ladies waxed and law enforcement: food and whores to satisfy our appetites repressed and greedy, and many more cops to watch us, that you never know. Because we are always hungry, their rations not feed poor indeed. With food in sight, the smell of fried food at every corner that tickles the nostrils, we are potentially dangerous as a pack of wild wolves. Yet for now we are an army of sloth that I just can not offend anyone but themselves.
there is no energy in our muscles. Our brains are asleep.

"We do not know how to do it, it is not our fault. It is not nostra questa guerra. Come posso vincere contro un nemico più forte? La battaglia è persa in partenza! Io ho scelto di fare il soldato perché non c'è lavoro."

Nelle nostre parole non c'è traccia del ricordo di 
secoli di storia né di orgoglio civile. C'è solo paura e disperazione. La legge delle 3P ha bandito ogni dignità. "Porchetta, Puttane e Polizia", con la loro iconografia grottesca, rimpiazzano e cancellano tutto, dal Risorgimento al fututo dei figli che non avremo. 

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Pokemon World Online On Mac

men, not the houses, are the cities

Ho capito di essere diventata adulta quando ho iniziato a preoccuparmi per i miei parents, the consequences of my actions and the world around me.
Unfortunately this concern, most of the time is only asking obsessively as I can intervene. It almost always ends with sit at my watch things go worse and worse, doing nothing. I note my helplessness, and I feel terribly worried and distraught.

Contrary to what I could imagine, after so many years I have also started to feel a bond with the place where I come from and where are fiercely ran away. That link is my family, are the streets where I took my first steps into the world, are the faces aging of my fellow citizens. But the point is I do not recognize it as the fruit of this tree. My roots are here, but I went away. And I think part of me will lead me to distance myself even more. Not without pain, of course. Still, you can blame me?

This is the road which leads onto the entrance side of the cemetery of St. Maria CV, where my loved ones are buried. Look who greets me: a pair of mongrels and a chorus of barking dipserati. Yes, well, to point out that once we are dead ashes and nothing more, the city of my native country has also seen fit to keep the kennel dientro here. Both mica dead have ears? And not even the nose, then do not feel the stench coming from the illegal dump along the road.
The dead do not. But the visitors? The poor elderly widows to proceed unsteadily between barking and foul effluvia?
What is the name this way? You read that right. They also poetically headed "Way of the Spirits". In fact, the night stand suspected gas from the ground, wisps or toxic fumes, that we can not know.

Someone has even considered appropriate to post here, which is realized in full the meeting between man and beast, a leaflet advertising the service of "pet cemetery".

But it's no wonder that the common feeling to go in this direction (I will not miss a word search). Here work is sold, as were homes.

They keep us on a leash.

October 2010
S. Maria Capua Vetere, Ce