Government Berlusconi IV - The Fall
After the fiery summer for an autumn start IV Berlusconi apparently soft and reassuring, with a slight decrease in temperature, without sudden changes in d ' mood. Apart from the usual ones of Di Pietro and a quick release of Highlander farcical Ciarrapico on Jewish headgear.
Because of this we speak in Parliament. Of hats and caps, the thighs, the chest, "scallops and noodles that you eat at the table of the rich. All except how you can escape from the abyss in which we have sunk as a people and as a nation. And what do they know? They live in the eye!
But what are we waiting? Expect that to rise up to the status quo so scandalous? We miss the references. We are like a spoiled adolescent existential crisis. Ridiculous, pathetic, yet true, full existential crisis. We would like to make a revolution, but then comes time for dinner and there's our favorite show on TV. E 'own pussy! The protagonist is a real hard shoulder and a prodigious! Santoro & Labor. New Tango and Cash. Those who know so long!
The Fathers of the country twenty years and had not had the tv. TV and many other things. Today, twenty years was master of so much stuff, yet barely able to say what we want for lunch - very spesso - cosa sia il nostro pranzo. Non sappiamo cosa faremo da grandi, se lo sappiamo non sappiamo come lo faremo.
Se ci viene chiesto qual è il nostro sogno più grande, a meno che non ci giri di rispondere "cantante, ballerina, attrice", taciamo. Eppure quelli sono i sogni di qualcun altro. Di quel qualcuno che ci vuole abbastanza ebeti da non essere in grado di elaborare un piano di fuga reale.
Siamo impantanati nella placenta come neonati ritardatari.
I nostri modelli sono scaduti e scadenti. I nostri riferimenti sono effimeri ed evanescenti. I percorsi sono più brevi ed incrociati. A scuola non ce l'hanno insegnato. Papà e mamma continuano a ripetere che dobbiamo trovare un lavoro a tempo indeterminato e keep him close. At the risk of sleeping on a roof. "No hunger strike, however, that it is risky, we bring you the supplies of food."
Did you not know that your parents were left? All are left today in Italy. Excluding those so-called red men and neighboring tones that sit in parliament. Let the lower case. I mean the real country. In the autumn of Italian culture, all are communists. The point is that nobody has noticed.
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