Thursday, April 3, 2008

Types Of Yog In Astrology

Panf panf panf .... Rain

Boys hard to keep up SuperMario!

About three weeks ago (I know, I'm late with the post, but I was very busy) and Antoinette Mariulina came to visit the lake. We have the opportunity to do, like the old days, an exit off-road. Unlike in the past but I have to say that Mario, though recovering, now travels like a rocket while I was a bit 'numb ....

We have done my training ride of improving about 2 minutes time previously made, from a 1h.51 1h.49 to travel 34 km of off-road, 800 meters in altitude, at an average speed of 18.7 km / h.

But give me a little note of personal pride: the week after I came out alone and have further improved the time going around in 1h.44, at an average speed of 19.5 km / h.

Not bad right?

PS: sooner or later I will remember the path to export and upload in the "GPS Tracks."


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