Wednesday, April 30, 2008

3rd Birthday Party Invitations Wording

Opel Astra 1.7 cdti 101 hp - 126,000 km

Source: myself

Where: Garage generic

Job List:

No. 1 speed sensor 98.00 €
n.1 original Bosch sensor phase
89.00 € 20.00 € n.1 Diagnosis computer
labor for dismantling, reassembling, inspection and testing

€ 35.00 Total € 242.00 ivato

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Missed Period Cervical Mucus

Replacement Bulbs Nissan Primera 1.9 DCI Sw

Source: myself

Where: Dealer Journal

Detail: Zero maintenance
€ 0;

Bulb H7 Bulb € 14.70 2 x 20.00 € 0:57 €
control lights

0 € € 43.00 Total ivato

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Has Denise Milani Posed Topless Yet

The first real-time on the snow

Domenica scorsa, in occasione dello staff-meeting, sono stato rapito dall'azienda. Siamo finiti sul Monte San Vigilio, a 1500 m di altitudine. Esattamente sopra Lana, un paese in provincia di Bolzano.

Prima delle attività aziendali, per non perdere le sane abitudini del weekend, ho preso in prestito dall'hotel una Mtb ( no comment... potete capire dalle foto) per farmi un giro in alta montagna. Destinazione: una chiesetta a 2000 m, il Lago Scuro e le sorgive di non ricordo più quale acqua minerale.

Convinto di farmi una bella pedalata primaverile mi inoltro, in tenuta da mezza stagione, su un sentiero che tra i boschi di larch leads directly to 2000 m above sea level ... Alas
the beautiful spring day, accompanied by her warmth, leaving room for a heavy snowfall soon and as if that were not enough to complicate matters we also bring the snow, abundant from the 1800's, and ice for long stretches makes it virtually block the way ...

a bit 'of snow e. ..

... here is the first sheet of ice

At the end of my trip has turned into a first real output in the snow.

here you can see the handlebars, including bell, the handsome half

certainly be repeated, but with the right attrezatura ....

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Plans For Carriage Bed

browsing for your network:

boring information I was looking for work when I came across a really interesting site that I definitely can not keep to myself.

Perhaps many of you already know him, but if not you go to a ride on

is a "virtual magazine", as defined by the authors , "of idleness and vice" in which there is a bit of everything, but especially a section Photogallery where you find under the link "surge", a series of beautiful images (And words) magggico dedicated to the world of MTB.

Let us a ride because he deserves!


Thursday, April 3, 2008

Types Of Yog In Astrology

Panf panf panf .... Rain

Boys hard to keep up SuperMario!

About three weeks ago (I know, I'm late with the post, but I was very busy) and Antoinette Mariulina came to visit the lake. We have the opportunity to do, like the old days, an exit off-road. Unlike in the past but I have to say that Mario, though recovering, now travels like a rocket while I was a bit 'numb ....

We have done my training ride of improving about 2 minutes time previously made, from a 1h.51 1h.49 to travel 34 km of off-road, 800 meters in altitude, at an average speed of 18.7 km / h.

But give me a little note of personal pride: the week after I came out alone and have further improved the time going around in 1h.44, at an average speed of 19.5 km / h.

Not bad right?

PS: sooner or later I will remember the path to export and upload in the "GPS Tracks."