Thursday, July 31, 2008

Tobacco That Taste Like Kools

to dese From dese: report

No one has ever made the report of our trip ...
wonderful experience and definitely worth repeating ... but 'A bit more organized. "

A compromise has been around as usual delay that we have accumulated at the start (see post front to dese dese 1). This has forced us to take a lot longer road than we would have to face and tunnels in the side of Brescia: a nightmare!
Fortunately the foresight Nic has downloaded any alternative route!

Akenic studies on the path most suitable GPS

Departure from Desenzano to 19.00. Between beaches and asphalt we traveled about 40 km, reaching up to Pai, where we spent the night in a hotel so-so ...

crossed one of the beaches along the Verona side

Svelgia and breakfast as well (see post , the worst in history breakfast).

We start in the direction of Riva, but this time along the footpaths and roads in the company of a passionate biker (see post : a fellow traveler ).
The cable car ride to Monte Baldo is denied us, and so we decide to climb cycling (see post : PM10).
fatigue is so great, but it is now ripagata
eccoci pronti ad affrontare la discesa super tecnica che dalla midle station della funivia del Monte Baldo porta a Malcesine

un tratto in discesa... impressionante, ma molto divertente
l'utile segnaletica

Raggiungiamo Riva nel pomeriggio. I chilometri, ma soprattutto il disvlivello cominciano a farsi sentire. Non possiamo fermarci, vogliamo arrivare a metà della sponda bresciana!
Dopo una breve pausa, si riparte sotto una pioggia torrenziale che presto si trasforma in grandine. E come se non bastasse ecco le famigerate galleries! When you finally arrive at

Gargnano, we walked about 90km. The galleries we have destroyed the nerves and decide to stop. Excellent hotel
, excellent dinner, a chat and in bed ready for the third and final stage.

Third Day After an excellent and sumptuous breakfast we leave (see post : breakfast sample).
ride on asphalt to Toscolano . From here it starts to rise again.

Streets, from which you can enjoy a remarkable view of the lake are spectacular and the dirt roads asfatate alternate sections of roads that lead us to an altitude of 1000m. We walk
sixty miles before getting to the point of departure

At the end of three days we covered 190 km and an altitude difference of 4,000 meters. Not bad, but next time, avoiding as much as possible to the asphalt and galleries, we will do more!

In the coming days will follow the GPS track ...

Happy holidays!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Tempurpedic Mattress Cause Arm Pain

dese From dese 2. Breakfast Sample

And finally to ' Bartabel Garni hotel, a pearl of the lake, the real breakfast of the sample.

Today we expect the final stage ...

Average Bmi Of Women Graph

dese From dese 2. PM10!

Niet cable car: no mountain bikers up to 14.30.

about 11.30 am, "we can not wait 2 ½ hours," says Luke, and then we go by bike to the midle of the cable car station. Too much nature to helium, that at the last km collapses: "Boys, I do not take it anymore!" And we are only 20Km. Luckily at that moment pass two chicks and Elio shooting and guided by instinct, who knows what can make the final meters.

lunch, a chat, a bit 'of streaching and in few hours after we leave.

super technical descent (Elio and Luke feet on the ground), but finally here Riva del Garda! I have 40 km.

No time to pause and restart it immediately to Limone. Water, hail and tunnels without end: better della creatina per Elio, che con una boccata di Pm10 raddoppia le sue prestazioni lasciandoci esterefatti e costantemente a 200/300 m di distacco. "Dai ragazzi a tutta", urlava l'invasato.

Dopo altri 40 km ecco finalmente il posto giusto per fermarsi: Gargnano!

Bunnies For Sale In El Paso

dese From dese 2. A fellow traveler

Siamo a Cassone. A Campo abbiamo conosciuto Enzo, un biker che ci ha accompagnato per un pezzo lungo la nostra avventura.

Qui a cassone, alle foci del fiume più corto del mondo (l'Aril, lungo 175m), ci salutiamo. Noi proseguiamo per Malcesine dove forse prenderemo la funivia fino a 2000m, per arrivare sul Monte Baldo.

Thanks Enzo!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Sentences On Congratulations A Person

dese From 2 to - the worst in history

had hoped for a better breakfast! Now we'll stop at a decent bar to drink coffee and eat something sweet.

Famous People With Turner Syndrome

From breakfast to dese From dese 1

The start was a disaster: our problem is the delays. With time we might have already lost over half Italian. So to blame the accident on the highway is part of the 19 to get to Pai not stingy so tired the patience to get into the fantastic place where there is a great hotel.

Registering Kikker Hardknock In California

to Dese Dese ... is part

do not believe it yet ...
Guys, we've (almost) fatta: oggi pomeriggio, intorno alle 15.30/16.00 si parte per la tre giorni di cicloturismo around the lake!
Seguirà, tappa per tappa, la cronaca degli eventi...
Ciao, ciao

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Rheumatoid Factor Test Cost

"Crazy Mountain Bike Downhill"

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Why Is My Schnauzer Barking At Night

23,266 km 30,000 km BMW 135 Alfa Romeo 159 1.9 JTDM 150 CV Cutting


Where: Official Licensee

Kg 4, Selenia € 5 WN 74, 25
oil filter air filter
€ 18.58 € 28.10 € 45.28
pollen filter washer solution
€ 1, € 77.40 94
Consumables and disposal

Tot € 3.10 € 248.61

Best Ways To Wax Your Vergina

30,000 km Alfa Romeo 159 3.2 JTS V6 24V 80,000 Audi A6 2.7t


Where: Official Licensee


Filter Oil And

A8 Air Filter And Filter Climate

A13 E

additive glass G9

Engine Oil Selenia Performer approximately 6.0 Kg

System Cleaner gasoline

cutting 30,000

air filter Dep.

Total € 242.23 vat included.

Princess Cruises Friends And Family


Ho rubato e ritoccato qualche immagine dall'album fotografico del Dox. Eravamo ad Amsterdam per l'addio al celibato di Francesco...