Tuesday, December 9, 2008
How Long Does Red Eye Last?
Source: it.discussioni.auto
Where: General mechanical
Coupon: 3 LT
oil 10w40
F. Oil € 27.00 € FA5677ECO 18:58
Air F. 1987429173 33.60 € 68.00 €
Labor Review
35.00 €
Total paid € 180.00
Monday, September 8, 2008
Most Effective Advertisement Wedding Florist
Source: it.discussioni.auto
Where: General Machine Shop
Oil: Castrol Edge 0W40 € 76
oil filter, € 11.
lamp position, € 9.
bulb plate, € 1.
Manpower, € 20
total, € 125.
Getting A Brazilian Uncensored
Source: it.discussioni.auto
Where: Official Licensee
€ 66.60 (including reverse wheels)
oil filter
€ 8.52 € 53.57 4 Kg engine oil Castrol Magnatec
€ 36.00 A3 cabin filter
20 , 73 Adittivo protective material injection gasoline consumption
€ 8.40 / € 3.82 discount
disposal. Total € 190.00
Friday, August 29, 2008
Welcome Address Compering
due tatuaggi e 4 chilogrammi in più, sono finalmente tornato un sella.
Il primo giorno è stato atroce: i muscoli delle gambe erano legati e senza forza. Alla fine, forse complice l'assenza totale di un obiettivo, a stento sono riuscito a percorrere 25 km. Era sabato 23 agosto.
Un po' demoralizzato, ho dedicato la giornata di domenica a: nuoto, addominali e qualche esercizio di streaching.
Lunedì sono tornato in sella, con destinazione i laghi di Sovenigo. Avevo segnato la loro posizione sul gps, tornando dal tour "from dese 2 dese".
Con molta calma sono partito seguendo la direzione indicata dal garmin, decidendo di seguire le strade meno battute e più adatte alla mtb.
La fortuna mi ha assistito e così ho scoperto, in Valtenesi, l'esistenza di una serie di percorsi sterrati che incrociano la ciclabile che porta fino a Salò, sviluppandosi tra vigneti e campi e costeggiando l’alveo interrato del lago Lucone.
I laghi di Sovenigo si trovano nel territorio di Puegnago. In questo angolo "esotico", in luglio e agosto, fioriscono i fiori di loto (pare siano importati direttamente dal Giappone). In questa stagione i fiori rosa e le grandi foglie verdi ricoprono totalmente la superficie dei laghi.
Ho scoperto che tra l'altro i fiori vengono venduti durante una sagra che si tiene nei mesi della fioritura.
short, horse flies apart, the place is well worth a visit!
Oh I forgot, this time the muscles have done well: I shot 56km ... and the day after 40 others.
I have to get back in shape for Gimondi :-)
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Chanel Birthday Cakes Melbourne
Source: it.discussione.auto
Where: Unknown (probably grant the visa official mileage)
Cutting with prices including tax and labor :
Castrol Oil SLX0W30 5.5-liter, top-ups filltro oil, liquid cleaner injectors: € 167.03
Fuel filter: € 37.44
Air filter: € 31.35
No 6 High-Power spark plugs: € 146.28
TOTAL: € 458.52
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Can Swimming Make Your Ears Ring
My mid-August I spent sull'Oglio tracing the old paths and discovering new Soncino up to a total of 100km with a stop bath (in place of the photo) and a feast of blackberries. All alone though. Akenic.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Tobacco That Taste Like Kools
A compromise has been around as usual delay that we have accumulated at the start (see post front to dese dese 1). This has forced us to take a lot longer road than we would have to face and tunnels in the side of Brescia: a nightmare!
Akenic studies on the path most suitable GPS
Departure from Desenzano to 19.00. Between beaches and asphalt we traveled about 40 km, reaching up to Pai, where we spent the night in a hotel so-so ...
crossed one of the beaches along the Verona side
Svelgia and breakfast as well (see post , the worst in history breakfast).

Raggiungiamo Riva nel pomeriggio. I chilometri, ma soprattutto il disvlivello cominciano a farsi sentire. Non possiamo fermarci, vogliamo arrivare a metà della sponda bresciana!
Dopo una breve pausa, si riparte sotto una pioggia torrenziale che presto si trasforma in grandine. E come se non bastasse ecco le famigerate galleries! When you finally arrive at
Gargnano, we walked about 90km. The galleries we have destroyed the nerves and decide to stop. Excellent hotel
, excellent dinner, a chat and in bed ready for the third and final stage.
Third Day After an excellent and sumptuous breakfast we leave (see post : breakfast sample).
ride on asphalt to Toscolano . From here it starts to rise again.
At the end of three days we covered 190 km and an altitude difference of 4,000 meters. Not bad, but next time, avoiding as much as possible to the asphalt and galleries, we will do more!
In the coming days will follow the GPS track ...
Happy holidays!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Tempurpedic Mattress Cause Arm Pain

And finally to ' Bartabel Garni hotel, a pearl of the lake, the real breakfast of the sample.
Today we expect the final stage ...
Average Bmi Of Women Graph
Niet cable car: no mountain bikers up to 14.30.
about 11.30 am, "we can not wait 2 ½ hours," says Luke, and then we go by bike to the midle of the cable car station. Too much nature to helium, that at the last km collapses: "Boys, I do not take it anymore!" And we are only 20Km. Luckily at that moment pass two chicks and Elio shooting and guided by instinct, who knows what can make the final meters.
lunch, a chat, a bit 'of streaching and in few hours after we leave.
super technical descent (Elio and Luke feet on the ground), but finally here Riva del Garda! I have 40 km.
No time to pause and restart it immediately to Limone. Water, hail and tunnels without end: better della creatina per Elio, che con una boccata di Pm10 raddoppia le sue prestazioni lasciandoci esterefatti e costantemente a 200/300 m di distacco. "Dai ragazzi a tutta", urlava l'invasato.
Dopo altri 40 km ecco finalmente il posto giusto per fermarsi: Gargnano!
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Qui a cassone, alle foci del fiume più corto del mondo (l'Aril, lungo 175m), ci salutiamo. Noi proseguiamo per Malcesine dove forse prenderemo la funivia fino a 2000m, per arrivare sul Monte Baldo.
Thanks Enzo!
Friday, July 11, 2008
Sentences On Congratulations A Person
had hoped for a better breakfast! Now we'll stop at a decent bar to drink coffee and eat something sweet.
Famous People With Turner Syndrome
The start was a disaster: our problem is the delays. With time we might have already lost over half Italian. So to blame the accident on the highway is part of the 19 to get to Pai not stingy so tired the patience to get into the fantastic place where there is a great hotel.
Registering Kikker Hardknock In California
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Why Is My Schnauzer Barking At Night
Source: http://www.159ownersclub.it/
Where: Official Licensee
Kg 4, Selenia € 5 WN 74, 25
oil filter air filter
€ 18.58 € 28.10 € 45.28
pollen filter washer solution
€ 1, € 77.40 94
Consumables and disposal
Tot € 3.10 € 248.61
Best Ways To Wax Your Vergina
Source: http://www.159ownersclub.it
Where: Official Licensee
Filter Oil And
A8 Air Filter And Filter Climate
A13 E
additive glass G9
Engine Oil Selenia Performer approximately 6.0 Kg
System Cleaner gasoline
cutting 30,000
air filter Dep.
Total € 242.23 vat included.
Princess Cruises Friends And Family

Thursday, June 26, 2008
Wisdom Teeth Removal Infection After Months
Source: it.discussioni.auto
Where: unspecified
Ministerial Review Bollo review
45.00 10.70 18.76
Oil filter Air filter Fuel filter 22.90 13.25
Cabin air filter
dose wiper washer cap
2.00 0.60
5W30 engine oil candles x6
x6l 95.10 94.74 255.94
front discs pads front brake pads rear 53.75 111.00
headphones come
24.50 4 235/45/17 Bridgestone RE050A 690.00
80.00 + VAT 20%
tot 1850.56
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Nba Live 05 Rip Mediafire

only an expression of amazement can describe this event.
Oh yes, in the end we were together with us and tens of thousands of people from all over the world is the appointment to Commezzadura to follow the World Cup MTB

Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Sermon On The Mount Environment
Cross country, 4cross, downhill, trials, and much more.

Such is the MTB World Cup, a global event that attracts the attention of over 40,000 spectators including athletes, coaches, fans and enthusiasts the world of fat wheels that come together in the spectacular setting of the Val di Sole
We hope to go ... at least one day!
Here you can find the program
Visit the official site of the event on http://www.mtbvaldisole2008.it/
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Leaked Myammee Calender
Il video è stato ripreso con la videocamera di Elio (vedi qui ) e montato in fretta e furia con un programma della muvee. La musica è di Casino Royale .
Si tratta di una prima prova, nulla di eccezionale, ma con un po' di pratica si potrà far molto meglio.
Buona visione :-)
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Register Of Deeds Philippines

Wednesday, June 4, 2008
How Does It Feel To Be Model Skinny

This is a beach reached via a very technical single track overlooking the lake.

Turning now to the Tour "from dese dese to" we are raising the stakes and so far the only one who has expressed a willingness to be there is Akenic. Is there any other question? Helium? Ricky? Mario?